The name freestyle kind of gives away what it is, it is when you can do whatever you feel like, tricks, speed, whatever you want! Freestyle BMX can be done anywhere; you can do it on streets, finding obstacles to jump over, at skate parks, using ramps to give you enough airtime to pull off stunning tricks, or in woods, with ramps made of dirt.
All of these different aspects of BMX have been adapted over the years, and have given riders the ability to do whatever they want. Tricks are customisable, and different styles of different riders make them look better, or even worse. Tricks can be made up and names and you may even see others pulling them off soon.
In street, you can make up your own lines, jumping off a wall, to grinding a kerb, to spinning off a bank; everything is as you want it to be. You can do whatever you want, express yourself in the way you ride.

Of course, BMX is an extreme sport, so you should be very care full with it. Safety should always be your first concern, when approaching a jump, or even heading down a hill, you should be extra care full not to hurt yourself. But saying that, if you want to get good at riding a BMX, crashes are part of the learning process. And the sayings, "You always learn from your mistakes" and "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again" come into play here, if you fall off trying to land your first 360, or if you can't land bunny hops, keep trying and it will make you a much better rider. Make sure that you enjoy everything that you do, and don't scare yourself silly, just push yourself.
For more information on BMX and niche bikes visit mbikeworld.com
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