When we talk about cycling for charity there are usually two ways you can get involved - the first is to enter an organised charity bike ride event, and the second is to do your own thing!
Organised Charity Bike Rides

In terms of the number of participants, organised charity bike rides will always attract more people across the space of a year. For me, a keen cyclist, there are several reasons why this is the case.
Charitable bike rides are highly organised events; they have marshals and volunteers to help you out should something go wrong, and to point you in the right direction when you're unsure of the route. Most importantly for me is the chance to use major roads without having to worry so much about traffic. Some charity bike ride organisers will go so far as to close the route roads completely, whilst others will set up recommended diversions for other road users. Not having to worry so much about the traffic around you makes a charity bike ride so much fun, because you can relax and enjoy yourself!
Another reason why I like charity bike rides so much is because you know you're helping out by participating. If you can have a fun day out, and know that you're doing some good, it makes cycling even more rewarding. Why not make the most of a highly organised event and benefit from the additional satisfaction you get from completing the course?!
There are also the health benefits: cycling is a very good cardiovascular activity, and if you cycle regularly that's even better. Some participants in charity bike rides make the mistake of thinking they can handle the route without prior training - on some easier rides you may find this is OK, but for longer rides it's not advisable. Firstly because you can injure yourself, and end up doing more harm than good, and secondly because you may not be able to finish the course, thereby jeopardising your sponsorship (if applicable).
The final great benefit I see with charitable cycling events is the community involvement. Not only are these events a great way to get out and meet new people from your community, they're a great boost to the community too. Community spirit really reins when everybody comes together for a good cause!
Individual Cycling for Charity
Of course, not everybody wants to be a part of a highly organised event, sharing the road with hundreds, possibly thousands, of other cyclists! Cycling as an individual in the name of charity is also a popular and fun way to do some good.
If you're considering cycling across your country, or continent, it takes a lot of planning and hard work - you can't just set out one day! Carefully choosing your charity in advance is essential, and it's best if you actually get their backing because this could help you out with getting sponsorship, both in terms of raising money for the charity, and raising money for your expenses. Whether you're participating in an organised charity bike ride, or are cycling independently, you'll find charity bike rides are rewarding and worthwhile experiences!
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